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pst John Hagee forgiveness (girl who escaped from nughtzie camp burned evidence of Nazis crimes against her and her fam out of forogifness born in USA bruce 10:54 Glenn Greenwald: Israel is repeating our post-9/11 mistakes YouTube · ReasonTV 1 month ago  Jesse Watters Jun 29 2024 1am fox news 'anderson Cooper interrogating Kamala Harris like a republican would Orrin Hatch: Joe Biden told me that he 'didn't believe' Anita Hill ... Fox News › video 1:47 In the new FOX Nation documentary, “The Confirmation Chronicles Vol. 2: High-Tech Lynching”, former Republican Senator Orrin Hatch R-Ut. said that Biden ... Fox News · Sep 17, 2019

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threat to democracy code for threat to Democrats/  (G Gutfeld) + (add more later) anti democracy due to capital riots fox news supreme court immunity jun 28 24 Michelle Obama initially not campaigning for Joe Biden due to his treatment of hunters estranged wife and granddhhtr anti elitism including med elitism, experts tell us what they want us to beleive the five June 28 2024 fox news Debate Showed Biden Still Trapped in His Old Economic ... › Economy › 2024/06/28 29 minutes ago — President Biden demonstrated again last night that he is completely untethered from the truth about the American economy and unprepa

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based cnn Ana Navarro on B Maher CNN Jun 2024 ( Some Republicans, those under the orders of Emperor Orange, want an immigration crisis. They want to exploit the issue for political purposes. I appreciate Mitt Romney talking sense. Do we have a problem? Yes, we do. But understand the political realities. Those standing in the way of a bi-partisan solution because they don’t want t9 give Biden the win, are a bunch of hy

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